Museum Bookshop

Main types of museum shops: artbookstore, multistore, online shop, self service

The world of museum bookshops is certainly in continuous evolution. In recent years, Italy is also beginning to get to know this world, which is capable of increasing the economic income of the various museum complexes. Those who manage museum bookshops have the opportunity to choose between different types of shops, each of which is able to provide valuable economic help and prestige. Let’s discover the prerogatives of each museum bookshop, taking a look at their respective strengths.


Within the broad range of additional services for museum bookshops, the so-called artbookstore certainly plays a major role. It is simply a real art bookshop, in which every visitor can buy books and brochures directly linked to the works admired just a few minutes before. Such a method can be very important to allow users to keep an experience more impressed in their memory. From the history of the artists to that of the works, there is really a lot to read for every enthusiast in the field.


Those who want to offer a much more varied range of gadgets and accessories can rely on a multistore. It is a type of shop that can accommodate a transversal public, made up of young and old, authentic art experts and novice visitors. Here, too, there are plenty of opportunities to attract a large clientele and ensure that the turnover of museum bookshops can increase that of an entire art complex. Here gadgets and accessories of any kind are collected, from stationery to magnets, from miniature works of art to various other merchandising items.

Online Shop

Each of the museum bookshop managers cannot omit the idea of developing an online shop. We are talking about a real virtual catalogue, which can be consulted at any time of the day and is able to include a wide range of timelessly beautiful gadgets. Obviously, each merchandising model must meet different standards in terms of durability of materials and design. Such a showcase is capable of capturing the attention of many potential visitors, who may thus have an incentive to visit a particular museum.


Finally, an innovative technique that can make museum bookshops more beautiful is the introduction of a self-service system. In practice, on leaving the museum, every visitor can buy the desired gadgets through a set of automated technologies. Those who manage museum bookshops can put such a method into practice with the aim of saving on physical sellers. At the same time, it is sufficient for the customer to enter the desired amount into a special space to purchase the merchandising item of his choice.